Better compliance with less effort

Turn SOP documents into interactive exams with our advanced AI

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Driven by cutting-edge machine learning, SOPbot transforms your standard operating procedures into dynamic, interactive test sessions with zero hassle.

Our unique platform confirms understanding of training material while improving exam coverage and eliminating time spent on making and updating tests.

Interating smoothly with your existing workflow, just upload your training document as-is. SOPbot automatically writes and administers the exam for you.


SOPbot's exam sessions are created dynamically from your existing documentation. We support a variety of file formats, with more coming.

Stale tests mean more employee confusion and more liability. SOPbot's exams automatically change with your evolving documentation.

A man and woman in high-visibility vests and hard hats hold clipboards and talk

To follow procedure, you have to know the procedure.

SOPbot requires examinees to answer each question in their own words, ensuring that your team knows the material. Not just the test.

Examinees must engage with the training material directly. You can't guess your way through a SOPbot session.

No apps to install. SOPbot works in the browser on all web-connected devices.

Compatible with common assistive technology. Speech-based interface coming soon!

Using SOPbot is easy